Old Codgers is a private studio release from 2004 with lead guiarist Chuck Spiller from The Ventures (1964) and talented Bassist James Frames from The Ramblers. We got wind of each other while playing gigs in rest homes and went on to play together live for about a year. This private release is our very first time playing together and most of the songs I myself had never heard. It was a pleasure having these guys and hearing their stories. Their coming over to my studio led to meeting other great artists like Jim Plott, an amazing guitar player and Leo Stevens the renown country performer. I went on to play with Leo Stevens as piano man for his small band for a year and met musician Joel Johnson. From there, my music has gone digital, and I make music with people online from all over the world using Audacity, the .mp3 and .ogg files. Feel free to send music that you may need piano tracks added to.
Fan Mail To:
David M. Weeks
649 North Park Ave
Shawnee, Oklahoma 74801