Home Phone: 405-348-5811
E-Mail: david@theweeks.org
Home Page: http://theweeks.org/david/index.html
Home Address: 900 N. Fretz Ave #39 Edmond, OK. 73003
Paper Delivery for the Hartford Current (morning paper) I learned the
importance of waking up on time.
Bus Boy / Dishwasher at International House of Pancakes
1989-1995 Fall and Springs
Naval Sub Base Pool Lifeguard in Groton, Connecticut
I had my first experience as a teacher of swim lessons.
Mystic Community Center Lifeguard, Mystic, Connecticut - I taught swimming
lessons for children as well as some aerobic classes for the elderly.
Mystic Oral School Lifeguard, Mystic, Connecticut
Ledyard Parks and Recreation, Ledyard, Connecticut
Lifeguard and Swim instructor
Summer 1994-Summer 1996
Ledyard Parks and Recreation, Ledyard, Connecticut
Waterfront Supervisor and WSI - My first year with management responsibilities.
I managed a staff of 10 - created and ran a successful swim program.
Fall and Spring 1995-1997
Maybee Aerobic Center, St. Gregory's Campus and
YMCA, Shawnee, Oklahoma
Lifeguard / CPO / Swim Instructor / Ass. Coach - I taught swimming
lessons and was assistant coach for the YMCA swim team.
Spring 1995-Summer 1997
Seminole State College, Seminole, Oklahoma
Computer Tech / Lab Assistant / Typist / Tutor / Lifeguard - I began
working in the pool and worked my way into the computer lab as an assistant,
which led to my typing position, as I tutored several students in Algebra,
Computers, Government and History.
Summer 1996
Golf &Country Club Shawnee, Oklahoma
CPO Pool Manager and Operator / Waterfront Supervisor - Here I brought
a pool up to Health Department Standards from scratch after being certified
as a CPO, managed a new staff, and maintained the chemicals.
Summer 1997- Spring 1998
Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, Oklahoma
Computer Tech / Lab Assistant / Lifeguard - I learned many valuable
skills as a computer technician, and aided in the installation of the Fiber
Optics Network now operational at Oklahoma Baptist University. I life guarded
in the pool on campus and aided in the regulation of pool chemicals.
Summer 1998
Ledyard Parks and Recreation, Ledyard, Connecticut
Waterfront Supervisor / Home Page Builder - I continued my duties as
Water Front Supervisor, and learned several office / secretarial skills
in the Office of Ledyard Parks and Recreation.
Groton Parks and Recreation, Groton, Connecticut
Senior Life Guard - On the weekends I worked for the Groton Parks and
Recreation at their ocean-front, Eastern Point Beach.
Spring 1999
St. Gregory's University, Shawnee, Oklahoma
Biology Lab Assistant - My usual lab work was shared with a directed
study program I was enrolled in. The goal of my Directed Study was to learn
as much as I could in one semester in the area of my concentration. I learned
Taxonomy, slide preparation for spore printing, Taxidermy of mammals and
birds, preservation techniques for lab specimen, and assisted my advisor
on several field trips to collect data for several research grants he was
Summer 1999
Storm Water Quality Department, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Became certified in the Oklahoma Water Watch Monitoring program. Also
had a 40 hour training course by Blue Thumb in Oklahoma City which consisted
of fish identification for 21 native species, while learning bio assessment
and grading techniques for streams based on 11 specific parameters. Interned
as a Professional Technician level I for the Storm Water Quality Department
in Oklahoma City. The Internship dealt with Fish Sentinel research projects,
soil, fecal, and chemical water testing for all the streams in the Oklahoma
City area while learning to create and maintain a Brine Shrimp Colony.
Also worked 28 hours in the University Pool.
Trained 12 hours in the St. Gregory's Information Desk for preparation
as an R.A. for the fall.
Continued to teach private swimming lessons at a local neighborhood
Fall 1999
Volunteered for a directed study with the City of Shawnee, Oklahoma.
In this study I conducted monthly water tests to ensure safe water levels
for game fish and recreation at the North and South Lakes.
Gave volunteer presentation to St. Gregory's University on how to use
the program
'Click and Learn.'
Worked as a Resident Assistant in the St Gregory Dormitories.
Worked in the St. Gregory's Pool.
Obtained the position of Tutor and Note Taker through the Partners
in Learning Program.
Volunteered to sing in the St. Gregory's Choir.
Was awarded my 1st Dan recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do from the Keith Welsh Tae Kwon Do association.
Spring 2000
Obtained a volunteer position in Phillips University's Alamosa Colorado
Science Camp for the summer of 2000. Work there will consist of fulfilling
a Botany requirement by collecting as many specimen as possible for St.
Gregory's University.
Directed Study under Patty Smith to aid in my Botany requirement and
work in Colorado.
Continued work on the Georgia Pacific Internship.
Volunteered time to install traps and collect specimen for scientific
study at Chickasaw National Recreational Area in Sulfur, Oklahoma.
Continued to volunteer time testing the waters of Shawnee, Oklahoma's
north and south lakes to ensure safe levels for game fish and recreation.
Volunteered to take and test soils samples from residents in Shawnee,
Oklahoma for educational purposes.
Taught underclassmen how to create and maintain a Brine Shrimp Colony
for feeding lab specimen.
Was presented a $500 dollar Kodak digital camera from the creator
of Click and Learn and used it to convert St. Gregory's University's microscopic
slide collection to digital format for use by 'Click and Learn' and underclassmen.
Was paid by 'Partners in Learning' to create a Click and Learn program
to encompass the freshman level Biology course.
Worked as Note taker and Tutor for Ecology and Biogeography.
Worked part time as Life Guard in the St. Gregory's University pool.
Worked as a Resident Assistant in the St Gregory Dormitories.
Volunteered to sing in the St. Gregory's Choir.
Summer 2000
Summer 2000 was spent at Alamosa Canyon Science Camp interning.
My responsibilities including cooking, keeping camp operational/handy man,
keeping the wood box full, and I was accredited 3 credits in Plant
Tax for the extensive floral collection I built for St. Gregory's University.
In my spare time I also built an entomological collection of 83 specimen
now on display at the University.
Fall 2000
Took Mycology as a directed study under Patty Smith, and collected
92 specimen for the University.
Worked for Bob Reynolds of
Click and Learn, creating drills for his program in Cell Biology, Mycology, and Botany. Using Corel Draw 8, I created 50 digital tee-shirt designs for Click and Learn.
Note taker / Tutor for Conservation Biology.
Surveyed 33 acres of new property for St. Gregory's allocated for use
as an outdoor classroom. The science department at SGU is working
towards restoring the property to its native state throughout the next
Continuing research at the CNRA, building a biodiversity database.
Spring 2001
Continued working for Bob Reynolds throughout the semester building drills for Plant Taxonomy. Summer work with Bob will include converting each states educational standards to html format and uploading them to the
Click and Learn server. Gave another Click and Learn presentation to the University upon request. Made an Odonata collection for the University museum. Went on trips to the four corners of Oklahoma throughout the spring to explore the states species diversity. Took notice of the Ancient Cross Timbers (Quercus marilandica) occurring from North Eastern to South Western Oklahoma. Visited the OSU herbarium. Note taker for Invertebrate Zoology.
Summer 2001
Worked with My First Endangered Species,
(Nicrophorus americanus) The American Burrying Beetle. I traveled to survey sites in Oklahoma to build, set, and check traps. This survey is in its 10th year following the distribution of this rare and disappearing Carrion Beetle. Our job was to capture, tag, and release the beetles while adding the data to the already existing database. More info and links to come.
Continued working for Bob Reynolds of Click and Learn. We've created a new platform for the program and are currently working on transferring all the old existing drills to the new format. My work includes extensive graphic art design using Freehand 10.
Began construction of an online Mycology and Plant Database
Fall 2001
While creating new educational math and music packages full time for Click and Learn, I took my lap top on the road to Vermont to visit my best friend. Studied the local mushrooms in his backyard- Green Mountain, in Chittenden, Vermont just north of Rutland. Added 120 images to my Mycology Database. Made it back to Edmond, Oklahoma in October in time to enroll in Spring classes. Enrolled in the Fitlynnx program at the YMCA.
Spring 2002
Obtained Macromedia Flash 5, and taught myself to make animated banners and web graphics.
Continued drill creation for Bob Reynolds of Click and Learn and now web design.
Began my second martial art, Aikido. Began adding images to the Botanical Database through May.
Summer 2002
Began summer classes for the first time in my college career. Tropical Biology and Microbiology with Lab. Created a Click and Learn Drivers Education package for the State of Arizona. Also created a Morse Code package, and merdged the old Plant Tax, and Botany packages together.
Fall 2002
Enrolled in Entomology under Dr. Barthell at UCO as well as Ceramics II with Gayle Singer. Created an Entomology Drill Package for Click and Learn, while digitizing my work for online sales in Ceramics. Was awarded the first of many award levels in the Fitlynnx program at the YMCA.
Patty B. Smith
Assistant Professor
Division of Life Sciences
St. Gregory's University
1900 W. MacArthur Drive
Shawnee, Oklahoma 74804
phone (405)878-5430
email : pbsmith@sgc.edu
relation : Major Advisor, teacher, and friend
Kenny Pierce
128 Chittenden Road
S. Chittenden, Vermont 05701
phone# 802-773-9409
email : yuksoodo@netscape.net
relation : Best Friend of 28 years
Don Grise
101 Bristoll Drive
Uncasville, Ct. 06382
home# 860-464-6545
work# 860-464-9112
Fax# 860-464-8747
email : ledyardrec@snet.net
relation : Director for 10 years
Kim Lavanger
2 Quail Meadow Lane
Gales Ferry, CT. 06335
home# 860-848-1307
work# 860-464-9112
Fax# 860-464-8747
email : ledyardrec@snet.net
relation : Assistant Director for 10 years